Beyond is an intellectual property which consist of collections of generated NFT art programmed on the Ethereum blockchain, a series of movies, comics, music ,games and merch I am creating  to be partially Funded by blockchain technology. The first generation of Characters consist of 14 000 NFT tokens for each of the 12 generals, 1 Prince and 2 kings. Each of these first generation NFT tokens will grant you early access to any future drops i.e. pre-sale mints up to 1 year, up to 10% discount on any merch up to a year, early access to the movie releases and the ability to earn 1% of any merch sold for each NFT you own up to 3 years.
At game launch these tokens will give you the highest attributes for each token you own , giving you the ability to have high earnings early. These tokens(first generation) are all Super Rare quality meaning near end -game and will scale as the game grows. There will be free tokens given to discord members and rewards for social media posts with the hashtag Beyond, these rewards will be given after the drop.

Meet the Generals , Kings ,Queens and Prince
1000 tokens
1000 tokens
500 tokens
500 tokens
500 tokens
500 tokens
1000 tokens
1000 tokens
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1000 tokens
1000 tokens
500 tokens
500 tokens
500 tokens
500 tokens
1000 tokens
1000 tokens
1000 tokens
1000 tokens
1000 tokens
1000 tokens
500 tokens
500 tokens
500 tokens
500 tokens
1000 tokens
1000 tokens
1000 tokens
1000 tokens
1000 tokens
1000 tokens
1000 tokens
1000 tokens
Road Map
Initial  drop to be announced, 555 token give away at random to people supporting the project across all social media platforms. Must be a member of the discord. Winners will be announced in the discord
Second stage: Marketing of the Intellectual property begins to bring more awareness to the project also helping with gains to all token holders.
3rd Stage : Merch shop opens and 1% of the merch sales will be distributed to token holders for each token they own up to 3 years
4th Stage : Second drop of second generation Tokens and another air Drop of super rare Tokens to token holders
5th stage : Further marketing will be implemented in the form of short films, comics, music as well as other marketing strategies to bring more awareness to the project. Land and building ownership tokens on the planet Palladium will be developed. Owners of the royalty tokens will have priority in land and buildings ownership , with the owners of The Generals tokens being next. Beginning with the first generation tokens then second.
Owners of land will be able to sell or tax players or token owners who reside on their property e.g.  owning land or a building in Palladium will give you rewards in form of appreciation, tax and rent. Owners of tokens will receive tokens or Ethereum from staking, tax and rent will be automatically taken from the gross and given to building and land owners.
Owners of Royalty tokens also receive a percentage of the overall tax from buildings, land and players or token holders who are not royalty. The Generals token holders will receive tax from none general token holders e.g.  common token holders.
6th Stage: Buildings and Land tokens will be dropped, with priority as mentioned above. They will begin with a pre-sale before they go to market.
7th stage: up to 10% of the gross proceeds will be given as charity to a reputable or reputable organizations . Common tokens will be dropped as well, 3d fully rigged with the option of having your face on the avatars , will be made for first generation token holders beginning with Royalty token holders then generals. After those are done second generation will be next. The Royalty and The generals token holders will be able to customize their abilities before game launch.
what's next?
The game. VR and a movie Trilogy, comics and more.
How much will they cost?
Royalty tokens will be at a floor price of 0.1 eth
The generals will be at a floor price 0.08 eth
Common tokens will be determined at a later day.
Buildings and land will be announced at the 80% stage or at a later date.
Are those images the Tokens?
No those are place holders, giving you the names of the characters, the tokens will be on a different page coming soon.
Who are the royals?
kings Magna and Paragon co-rulers of Palladium
Queens are Taberah and Tabitha
Prince Hadron
The rest are the Generals, though Tabitha and Taberah also hold the tittle of General.
When is the drop?
Pre-sale is aimed at either November 11th latest date 18th 2021 at 5pm (MDT) Mountain Standard time.
Market drop is aimed for November 12th latest date 19th 2021 at 5 pm (MDT)
What game engine will be used?
Unreal Engine 5 is the choice at the moment and once it's production ready the game will launch after. Assets have already been created and will be Ready for launch. 
Which platform is the Drop?
Working on immutable-X however as a fail safe, opensea is the second option.

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